Thursday, August 30, 2012

Using Labels to Aid Organization?

Would it be possible to adopt a policy of applying labels when adding posts in order to facilitate navigation? For instance, adding a "class notes" label or "prompts" label when posting those specific types of blogs, so that a person might then click that "class notes" tag to find them all in one place? I was playing around with it, and it looks like the original author of each post must do their own, but that it's quite easy to add after the fact.


Ellen M said...

An excellent notion.
Let's do it.

Let's try for these labels:

Course Notes
First Response
FYI [for additional posts that don't fall under any headings]

And we can set up specific labels for one-off, class-wide blog assignments. This week's could be Memorial Hunt

Ellen M said...

also: let's put names in the label categories, so that we can find each other's work more readily.

I think we can make this work with first names only.

Jennifer Juszkiewicz said...
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