Obviously, we're looking at a commemoration of Labor Day. It struck me as odd that a flag can have so many meanings- for so many days out of the year, it stands as a symbol of country and patriotism. But every so often, it stands for something else entirely.
My second thought was simple curiosity- where did this tradition come from in the first place? A quick internet search held the answer- we started flying flags at half mast (I should be saying "half staff", as half mast implies that the flag is on a ship, but it just sounds better) at some point in the seventeenth century. The flag is lowered to make room for "the invisible flag of death". In fact, in the UK, the half mast is only one flag-width down the flagpole, to signify the flag of death directly above it. Every country in the world does this, except Saudi Arabia, whose flag contains a Muslim image that connotes oneness with God, and is therefore never lowered.
Roach talks beautifully about the paradox of collective perpetuation: "Memory is a process that depends crucially on forgetting." I would have forgotten entirely about Labor Day had I not seen the flag. I wouldn't have given the flag much thought had I not had this assignment. The flag asks us to remember something, something important enough that a federal law requires it to be lowered. But it is lowered because it knows that, without the reminder, we might well forget.
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