Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blog Post 12 - Courtney

1. Robin Bernstein, “Dances with Things”

Bernstein describes the “latent presence” in things, e.g. a spoon is on one end the negative of the hand and on the other the positive of the mouth. What are the empty spaces in which I am urged to interact with this object?

2. Tracy Davis, “Theatricality and Civil Society”

How does this performance demand my sympathy? How can I move past sympathy to become aware of my own spectatorial position?

3. Johnathan Harris, “Palimpsested Time”

How does this object transcend ordinary notions of time (progressive linear time that can be cross-sectioned synchronically without issue)? What is the time of this object?

4. Antonin Artaud, “No More Masterpieces”

Does this performance ask to be read as continuous with reality, as an example of lived reality? Or does this performance ask to be read as discontinuous with reality, as a stepping out of lived reality?

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