Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Prompt Blog 18: Kealiinohomoku, Conquergood

This will be our last Group Blog assignment; let's go out with a bang if we can.

First responders:
What are the benefits of an ethnographic approach to performance? Use examples from anything we have read/seen thus far.

Second responders:
Particularly in light of what we have just read (not just Kealiihohomoku and Conquergood, but also Foster and Reason & Reynolds) what are the potential perils / blind spots of an ethnographic approach?

In response to what your colleagues have written, and in preparation for the dance performance we will see this Sunday, start forming your own account of best practices for writing about performance. Have at least three principles ready to discuss on Thursday.

Bonus work:
For those of you intrigued by the Indiana Historical Society / History Center archive, feel free to search about for an artifact to pull and look at on Friday the 9th.

Here is a link to the catalogue: http://catalog.indianahistory.org/

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